Thursday, November 8, 2012

In person experiments

You can get the feedback, see the errors by yourself and overall have better engagement with your participant.

Before study lay out the scope and clear goals what do you want to know about your design. - It´s ok to have narrow scope, you dont need to test the large design at once.

Think about the testing environment - if this would be used in a crowded place, test it there; if it would be used in a quiet place, you need to test there.

How many people?

Come up with scenarios that users could really relate to.

Come up with concrete tasks.

Its necessary that you give the same tasks and the same input to all participants - this gives you the comparison moment.

You are testing the site not the user!

Experimental details

  • Order of the tasks
  • Training before the test (depends on whether the real users afterwards will get any training or not)
  • What will you do when the user does not finish a task.
  • Pilot the study - try it out before you are going to use it on the real participants.
Think out aloud method

Ask users to talk while performing tasks
  • tell us what they are thinking
  • tell us what they are trying to do
  • tell us questions that arise as they work
  • tell us things they read
Promt participants during the session to continue thinking aloud. They can easily forget it because it is not natural for them.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Designing Experiments

Independent variables - variables that the experimenter can manipulate before the experiment

Dependent variables - variables that the experimenter measures in the experiment.

Internal validity (kehtivus) - if i would fun the same test again would you see the same result

External validity - does it apply to only specific group or the whole world?

You have to use fair comparisons. You cant compare apples to oranges. The IPhone keypad example.

Vacuum cleaner example

Manipulation: vacuum cleaner
Measures: cleanliness, speed

Between subjects design - half of the participants use one vacuum cleaner the other half the other one.
Its hard to say if one vacuum cleaner is better then the other one. Maybe the ones we assigned to one vacuum cleaner are just better cleaners?
Worry about individual differences.

Within subjects design - everyone uses both interfaces.
Worry about ordering effects - in which order the participants use the different vacuum cleaner.
Half of your participants could test one vacuum cleaner first end the second afterwards and the second half of the group could do it in vice verse order. Its also good to vary the tasks environments. 

Three Major Strategies

  1. Within-subjects: everyone tries all the options. Good when you’re not worried about learning/practice/exposure issues (that trying one version will ‘pollute’ the date from another version)
  2. Between-participants: each person tries one. Requires more people, and more attention to fair assignment. Has the benefit that each participant is uncorrupted (at least by the study...)
  3. Counterbalancing can help minimize variation in a between-subjects design

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Visual design

Three goals for visual design
  1. Guide - Convey structure, relative importance, relationships
  2. Pace - Draw people in, help orient, provide hooks to dive deep
  3. Message - Express meaning and style, breathe life into the content
Scott used cool trick. He showed 4 different webpages and blurred them. After the blurring you could still recognize the main elements of the webpages (like navigation bars, articles, interesting picture etc).

Three basic tools for visual design
  1. Typography
  2. Layout
  3. Color

Gill Sans (1928)

Six typographic terms

  1. Point size - is not letter size but the box around the letter
  2. Leading
  3. x-height - height of the lower case letter (letter x). - Typefaces with higher x-height are easier to read by lower point sizes and lover resolution screens. Lower x-height gives ore elegance to your text.
  4. Ascenders and Dscenders - above and below x-height.
  5. Weight (light, regular, bold)
  6. Serifs
Numbers have small caps- lowcase too. - serif and sans serif typefaces - is one better to read?

Expectation plays an important role (example with the phrase "The Cat" or "Tae Cht").

Grids, grouping and alignment

When creating templates design for longest text block.
In general left-aligmet text is faster to skim.

Design in gray-scale at first. When this works add colors.

Its good to use color for elements for example that are clickable.

Reading and navigating
Informavores - go through a lot of information quickly and get what you need.

How do you know a page has poor scent?

  • flailing
  • low confidence - they dont know where to click
  • back button - they are using it a lot of
If using icons use also words next to them to help to understand. Use trigger words, not words that are funny. You can also use longer terms .. like 7 words.

You can use also block navigation - speaking block navigation. Often more is better. 

People are more than happy to scroll if they think they will be rewarded.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Representation and cognition

A Good Representation sows all of the relevant information, and nothing else.
Should enable:

  1.  Comparison
  2.  Exploration
  3.  Problem solving
When interfaces help people distribute cognition, it can...
• Encourage experimentation (Tetris)
• Scaffold learning and reduce errors (Montessouri blocks)
• Show (only) differences that matter (London Underground)
• Convert slow calculation into fast perception (Map coloring)
• Support chunking, especially by experts (Chess & gestures)
• Increase efficiency (diagrams)
• Facilitate collaboration (cockpits)

Direct manipulation

The gulf of execution - the gulf of evaluation.
Know what to do and evaluate what happened after the action.

The making of gulfs. How easily can someone:

Determine the function of the device?
Tell what actions are possible?
Determine mapping from intention to physical movement?
Perform the action?
Tell what state the system is in? / if its in desired state?
Determine mapping from system state to interpretation

To reduce the gulfs, provide...
Visibility (perceived accordance or signifies)
Consistency (also known as standards)
Non-destructive operations (hence the importance of undo)
Discoverability: All operations can be discovered by systematic exploration of menus
Reliability. Operations should work. Period. And events should not happen randomly

Friday, October 12, 2012

Heuristic evaluation

 System status 
Feedback on where the system is and where the user is.

  • show time (over one sec - you need to provide feedback).
    • use progressbar
  • show space - how much space does the user have left to use etc.
  • show change - ask user if he wants to save something etc - when user changes something.
  • show action - for example traffic lights have the color coding but also the most important color "red" is at the highest position. This indicates what user can do.
  • show next steps - it can be also as a text.
  • show completion  - the picture with a message "Put down that cocktail .. your smth is ready"
 Familiar metaphors & language 
Mach some UI features to the real world where the user has experiences. Speak the users language and use conventions that are used in online world and in real world.
  • identify the terms and language the users understand
  • use familiar categories
  • use familiar choices - explain the choices to the user that he could make the decision
 User control and & freedom 
Don´t force user to fixed paths. Let them redo, undo and exit.
  • preview of the path can be really valuable for making decisions
  • freedom to explore
 Consistency & standards  
  • consistent layout
  • consistent names and using your language
  • don´t use system terms in UI - for example behind the curtains a big company devides a term into many different ones  but for the users those actually mean the same. (note to myself - think about ITB).
  • ask people how would they categorize things
  • you can use the type 'other' and afterwards analyze the results bow people describe the categories 
  • consistent choices - "yes" is always something positive.. like yes i want to continue, yes i want to save etc. Do not violate it by asking the question through negative perspective. For example those two mean the same thing but the user has to give different answers to continue his doings:
    • do you want to close the application? - NO
    • do you want to continue - YES
  • clearer choices - don´t use always yes and no buttons - sometimes it is useful to describe the actions behind them
 Error prevention  
  • prevent data loss - for example before asking if i would like to overwrite files i would like to see the preview to make my decision.
  • prevent clutter (segadus) - quite the same explanation ad by data loss
  • prevent confusing flow - for example you use button named 'cancel' to actually continue the flow and the user can suffer under data loss etc.
  • prevent bad input - for example there is no datepicker associated with the input fielt that should take date as his value
  • prevent unnecessary constraints - don´t limit the user 

 Recognition over recall  
Recognition (äratundmine)

  • avoid codes!
  • avoid extra hurdles (takistusi?) - set up reasonable defaults to avoid those
  • recognition with previews
 Flexibility and efficiency  

  • flexible shortcuts
  • flexible defaults with options - commonly used options are already listed to you - last one is a option where you can enter freely your value
  • ambient (ümbritsev) information - for example you can see weather forecast in your weekly calendar
  • proactive - for example Gmail offers you to unsubscribe from a list which is probably just a spam list. PS! If you use it, you have to do it well.
  • provide recommendations 
  • keep it relevant (asjakohane)
 Aesthetic & minimalist design  

  • above the fold - the screen that a user can see at first - for example you could see only one third of a long page at the time, this is above the fold. Think what people should see there. Put core information above the fold!
  • signal to noise - use colors when they need something -- not just randomly all over the page. Another example - using tables with borders where the data is much more important - at a glance users would see the table not the data inside it
  • minimalist login
  • using redundancy you will loose in webpages real estate - you push more important information off the page.
 Recognize, diagnose & recover from errors  

  • make the problem clear that the user faces
  • provide a solution
  • show a path forward - for example you as a user try to open a file but there is no right application for it -- the message should provide a solution how can i open that file.
  • purpose an alternative  (paku alternatiive)
  • learning with examples
  • choices with examples
  • guide the way
  • show the steps
  • point things out (for example tooltips)
  • provide more information  - for example you want to unsubscribe from a mailing list and you choose the reason 'I received too many e-mails' --  the application then prompts a possibility to you -- you can change the frequency.
  • be clear by helping - not too many info! For example no-one reads ULA-s (user licence agreements), but you could summarize the key points and force users to accept them - then you can be sure they know the very most important terms.
  • help people have fun :)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Prototyping and mockups


  • Don't focus on UI before focusing on the task the UI should help to accomplish.
  • Story boarding focuses only on tasks.
  • It should focus on tasks that a persons UI helps them to accomplish.
  • Shows flow in time and key points at it.
  • Use stars for drawing people  - star people :).
  • At the end the positive outcome should also be added.
It should convey:

  1. people involved
  2. environment
  3. task being accomplished
  1. What steps are involved?
  2. What leads someone to use the app?
  3. What task is being illustrated?
  1. What motivates people to use the system?
  2. What does this enable people to accomplish?
  3. What need does the system fill?
Use timeframe! Dont spend too much time doing it!

Paper prototyping

Be creative and you can use all kinds of materials !

Digital mockups
If you need already more pixel based preview of your design idea.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Additional needfinding strategies

Diary studies - users add records of specific piece of information; tailor the recording to the context; the easier the  tools are for participants to record their stuff the better results you will get.

Experience sampling - beep people that they would write down a piece of information at that moment. (where are you, how happy are you, how energetic do you feel .. )

Lead users- they can give a lot of ideas about great solutions ;  they sometimes already have done some hacks themselves.

Extreme users - you can see what kind of problems occur if a system is used extremely ..


Keep in mind the users from whom you did study a lot from the beginning . To do that create personas.

A model of a person, an example
Include demographic information, but also capture persons motivation, beliefs, intentions, behavior, goals
Draw a picture or have a photo of your persona - it makes it more real
Give them a name, occupation, background, social situation, hopes - story to tell
Knowing what your persona thinks, does and feel helps to build empathy

Helps to understand the state of mind, emotion, philosophy, beliefs or point of view of the user. 


Choose the right people for interviewing.

There can be many stakeholders to involve - non users, already users of some other system, representative of target user. But keep mind, find different users - representatives of major different user groups!

Thank people for their time - you can give them a little gift for example.

Approximate if necessary. For example - you are designing for doctors but you can´t reach real doctors at the beginning of your design process. You might use medical students instead - not the same but approximate    :).

The more open ended questions you ask, the more interesting answers you will get.

- no to leading questions
- no to design questions (what would you like a tool to be?)
- no to hypothetical scenarios 
- no to how often they do things
- no to asking to evaluate things on scale (what does a particular number mean in this case?)
- no to binary questions

Use more concrete questions.

Participant observation

  • Its good to be apprentice and do some hands on learning
Don´t believe what people say day do, watch them acting!

Dont´t ask leading questions if you don´t want to hear obvious answers.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wisdom of the crowds

Group of people and a bowl of jellybeans.

How many jellybeans are in the bowl?

Individually people do not get so good answers. Add all those answers and get a mathematical average and you´ll get really good answer.

This to work:

  • individual answers
  • people should guess well not socially appropriate way

Designing Software for Collaboration

Collaboration: Same time / same place

  • Face to face interaction
  • Roomware
  • Shared tables, wall displays
  • Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)
  • Single display groupware
Collaboration: Different time / same place
  • Message Boards
  • Dedicated Team rooms
  • Large displays

Collaboration: Same time / different place: 
  • Remote interaction
  • Video-Conferencing, 
  • Real-time groupware 
  • Messaging (Instant messaging, Email) 
  • Virtual worlds 
  • Multi-User editors 
  • Shared Screen (vnc)
Collaboration: Different time / different place:
  • E-mail
  • Wiki
  • Blogs
  • Workflow
  • Version control
It is hard to synchronize things, much more easier asynchronous. 

Introducing Controlled Web Experiments

User tests online not in lab.

Two column layout can be better then one.

Ways design makes a difference

  • The position and color of the primary call to action
  • Position on the page of testimonials, if used
  • Whether linked elements are in text or as images
  • The amount of “white space” on a page, giving the content space to “breathe”
  • The position and prominence of the main heading
  • The number of columns used on the page
  • The number of visual elements competing for attention
  • The age, sex and appearance of someone in a photo

Setting Up, Debriefing, and Summarizing Results

Greeting participants
Explain the task
Warm up tasks
Give the questions
Sign the release form.
Ask if they have any questions.
Don´t give away what you want to measure or them to learn.

Instructions to Participants
We test UI not you!
They can quit at any time
Explain that you are not providing any help to them

Collecting data
What they did and think.
How many errors and where.

Show the critical incidences and what they think you could do better there.
Ask about design alternatives!

Summarize the results
Things that actually matter. Your brain is going to forget all the details and summarizes can be really valuable. Even just one sentence.

Prioritize the different results - then you know what you have to do next.

Capturing Results and Recruiting

Video recording - its god to narrow it down to 20 sec snippets where you presents successes and problems of your design.

Screen recording is also an options.

Note down all the critical mistakes. Use these to get feedback again from the user when he ends the user test. Also you use them to help you to improve your design.

The "Thinking aloud" method:

Need to know what users are thinking, not just what they are doing.
Ask users to talk while performing tasks

  • tell us what they are thinking
  • tell us what they are trying to do
  • tell us questions  that arise as they work
  • tell us things they read
Thinking out aloud can change things also their actions can be different compared to silent task performing.

Another good practice is to let users perform the test individually and afterwards pair them up and show them videos about their critical problems while they tried to use the UI. They can then discuss the problems and maybe give you even more valuable information.

Setting up the test session: You can already prepare notes for noting. For example you already know what kinds of areas are interesting for you or just fill in some blanks etc. It can be better than just blank notebook.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Goals, Tasks, and Details

How to lower down the stress on people who are measured?

You are testing the site not the user! Communicate to the user that he is a partner for you who helps you to find errors and bugs in your system.

Articulate the Goals of your study. Write down the parts of your system you think you could improve and where you need feedback.

Think about when and where this test is going to take place.

Create concrete tasks - written down on a paper on computer - then you can be sure that you are consistent during many study sessions with different users.

Plan out the steps  - what are you going to ask, that you plan time for introduction and also feedback.

You can have a built in timer in you app / webpage that collects data about the time user is on one page.

Roles in a team of three: a facilitator (all the interaction with the user), note taker, video maker/ photographer.

Experimental details - do you want that users have some kind of training or preparation for the test.

Before you bring any real users into lab make shore you have had a "pilot"- he is purely there for debugging your user test process.

Participants and tasks

Choosing participants

Persuade participants if needed. For example if you are building an interface for teachers and they don´t want to participate then you can say that in the end when your product goes to production then they can use it in their work and make their life easier.

Selecting tasks

Real tasks that people would perform while using your interface in everyday life.
Don´t bend the tasks in a way that your preferred design would stand out. That´s cheating!

Designing user studies

Between subjects design - one group uses only one interface. - use it if you want to avoid ordering effect.

  • Half of the users try out one interface.
  • The other half tries out the other  interface .
Within subjects design - both groups use both  interfaces - this one avoids all the individual differences problem

Users already know a bit more about interfaces by the time they start using the second interface. To get more objective results in the end, both groups should start with different interfaces.

Evaluation Strategies

How can we measure success? How do we know?
Why evaluate design by people?

Taxonomy of methods - different methods achieve different goals
the scientific process of classifying things (= arranging them into groups)

Field strategies

  • Field Study - You give your thing out there  and users use it over a longer period of time.
  • Field Experiment -Like clinical drug trial.Half the people get one, the other half gets the other one. Users use it over a longer period of time.

Experimental strategies

  • Experimental simulation
  • Laboratory Experiment - You bring people into the lab and they try out one or two different interfaces.

Respondent strategies

  • Judgement Study - how much do you like X or Y
  • Sample Survey - different polls, you can do them before or after the user has used the interface.
    • Surveys - you are not getting behavioral feedback but more like self reports. People may not be telling the truth what actually happened.

Theoretical strategies

  • Formal Theory
  • Computer Simulation - computer simulates what a user could do - this kind of method is not really widely used

Measure - dependent variables
task completion time
emotional responses

Manipulations - independent variables
You are always manipulating some aspect of the user interface. Should we use a graph for representing info or textual. Should we put a navigation bar on the top or to the right of the page. These kinds of manipulations we see all the time in the field of HCI.

Precision - Internal validity
If we would run the tests again would we get the same results? Weather the results are useful etc.

Generalizability- External validity
If the results generalize to real world situation we ale going to say that UI has high external validity.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Rating Scales and Graphs

Use scales that people can relate to.

This image of scale values can be really hard to understand. For example you see a post where you notice a random rating used. At first you have no clue does it represent good or bad value ..


How to get color right?

  • Design in grayscale first (black and white).
  • Keep luminance (heledus, erksus) values from grayscale when moving to color. 

Design for Glanceability

glance to look quickly at something/somebody; to read something quickly and not thoroughly

It is much easier to read the top half of the letters than the bottom half.

68 %of the time  the eye is in motion when reading, 32% of the time the eye is fixated on one spot. When the eye is in motion it cant actually see anything. It can only read when it is down on the fixations.

With an "heat tracker" you can see how much time is spent on different parts of a webpage. 

Things that are top left are likely seen at first. Less important you can drift out.

Interlaced browsing and navigation

interlaced - põimitud.

A lot of different tabs opened in browser. Reading a lot of stuff at the same time.
On a mobile you don't have maybe seven different sites open but your attention is disturbed by other people.
Users attention is scattered and we as designers have to deal with that.

Menu labels that don´t say you anything -> Transactions - what the hell is that?
Users start to "try" different things and going back and forth to find the action they are looking for.

If icons are not supporting the text, come up with better icons !

If you are looking for one perfect word that would be a heading for  bunch of different stuff, then you should understand - there isn´t one perfect word!

Speaking block navigation - describes if you would click there what will you get to.

Matching semantics & visual layout

Some starting points:
  • Gather materials you find successful 
    • Could be from very different domain
    • Good artists borrow, great artists steal - Picasso
  • Include visual design professionals in the iterative design cycle
Icon design: Differences that make a difference. Contrast like black vs white. Green is GO and red is STOP.

The example with the pill bottles - they are full of information but if you have 4 different bottles you cannot differentiate  them only by looking. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Type matters

Typeface: Gill Sans (sans-serif typeface designed by Eric Gill.)

Dynamism through asymmetric layout in a text. Do not center stuff!

Sans serif is for short texts or headings. Where serif is for more longer texts.

Use real quotation marks - easier to understand where a quote starts and ends.

Also numbers have upper case and low case. Low case numbers bled in to text more easily.

Books that are cheap don´t but so much white space around text. But with white space it is easier for the eye to read.

Representational shifts

Instead of remembering what have you copied on a clipboard, the thing you did cut or copy could be circled in the same document.

As a designer your task should be:design in a way that there would be no chance for an user to make an error. "Your text is outside of the printable area, would you like to proceed?" - Don´t ask me but show me where it is and show it already by doing not afterwards.

Good Representation

Representation: kujutis

Problem solving as Representation
"Solving a problem simply means representing it so as to make the solution transparent" - Herbert Simon

Design by 0 working memory - meaning that don´t make a user to memorize stuff.

A good representation shows all the relevant information, and nothing else. Should enable: comparison, exploration, problem solving.

If designing a system to replace a manual work, pay attention not only at the process itself but also the objects used. for example by doctor your record tells more then only information written to it. If it is really "used" then you know a lot of action has been going on. If your record is still on doctors table then you were recently there etc.

Command line vs GUI


  • self disclosing (ise nn avalduvad)
  • you know what you can do all options are on the screen
  • you know what you did, feedback

Command line

  • Perform abstract actions
  • Move many things at once

Buttons often have to abstract names and users actually don´t know what they are doing or what does it mean. For example 'Save'. where or what do I save etc.

Map Interface controls

Controls should mirror real world.

Direct manipulation provides

  • Good idea of how each object works and how to control it
  • Interface itself discloses how it is used
  • The art in design is ti translate users cognitive capabilities and existing mental models into interfaces that work.
  Computers bring flexibility and if we concentrate only on making interfaces more like real world then we cant have that kind of flexibility  .

"If technology is to provide an advantage, the correspondence to the real world must break down at some point."- Jonathan Crudin

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Gulf of Execution and The Gulf of Evaluation

The Gulf of Execution
Primary question of users when meeting UI-s:  How do I do what I want to do ?

The Gulf of Evaluation 
Second question: What happened.

Can the user do what they would like to?
What representations are used for communication?

Solution what many UIs come across : Direct manipulation user interfaces

  • Immediate feedback on actions
  • Continuous representation of objects
  • Leverage metaphor  - we are more and more familiar with digital environment and we don´t need so many real world metaphors to understand an user interface. 

Good design reduces gulfs.

How easily can we:

  • Determine a function of the device?
  • Tell what actions are possible
  • Determine mapping from intention to physical movement
  • Perform an action?
  • Tell if system is in desired state?
  • Determine mapping from system state to interpretation?
  • Tell what state the system is in?

One strategy is really effective - Mental models.

Mental model in users head does not do what real life is really like.

There are many kinds of mental models:

  • My own behavior
  • Someone else´s behavior
  • A software application
  • .. or any information process that´s mediated

Metaphores: Learning Mental Models
"A text processor is a typewriter"
Mental models are inconsistent in time

Users and designers communicate through their mental model

Designer´s model = mental / conceptual model of the system.
User´s model = mental model developed through interaction with the system
Designer expects user´s model to be the same as the designer´s model. But often it isn´t!

Conceptual Model Mismatch
Mismatch between designer´s and user´s conceptual models lead to: slow performance, errors, frustration. You see this by walking around and noticing notes on devices etc where people write what to do or how to do smth.

Monday, September 17, 2012


heuristics - a method of solving problems by finding practical ways of dealing with them, learning from past experience

Ten Usability Heuristics by J. Nielsen

Visibility of system status
The system should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time.
Match between system and the real world
The system should speak the users' language, with words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms. Follow real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and logical order.
User control and freedom
Users often choose system functions by mistake and will need a clearly marked "emergency exit" to leave the unwanted state without having to go through an extended dialogue. Support undo and redo.
Consistency and standards
Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Follow platform conventions.
Error prevention
Even better than good error messages is a careful design which prevents a problem from occurring in the first place. Either eliminate error-prone conditions or check for them and present users with a confirmation option before they commit to the action.
Recognition rather than recall
Minimize the user's memory load by making objects, actions, and options visible. The user should not have to remember information from one part of the dialogue to another. Instructions for use of the system should be visible or easily retrievable whenever appropriate.
Flexibility and efficiency of use
Accelerators -- unseen by the novice user -- may often speed up the interaction for the expert user such that the system can cater to both inexperienced and experienced users. Allow users to tailor frequent actions.
Aesthetic and minimalist design
Dialogues should not contain information which is irrelevant or rarely needed. Every extra unit of information in a dialogue competes with the relevant units of information and diminishes their relative visibility.
Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
Error messages should be expressed in plain language (no codes), precisely indicate the problem, and constructively suggest a solution.
Help and documentation
Even though it is better if the system can be used without documentation, it may be necessary to provide help and documentation. Any such information should be easy to search, focused on the user's task, list concrete steps to be carried out, and not be too large.

Wizard of Oz

Wizard of OZ was actually a regular guy who was using paraphernalia (equipment) to present himself as another character. 

Interpreted into design: We can be the ones who bring a prototype into life.

The guy behind the scenes - Designer
Paraphernalia used - Prototype (for example made out of paper)
Mysterious wizard of Oz - Experience  for the user

Paper prototype
No one gives you low level feedback. The user is not going to say that your pen line is to thick or too crooked. People understand that they should be focused on high level feedback.

If you have a quick prototype using already real code example and you say to people that they should look through the fonts and colors used then they still give you comments like 'This logo should be 3px to the right.'

AND you can go nuts yourself to fix all the pixel problems that annoy you. You don´t have the problem with paper.


Brainstorming Guidelines

  • Be Visual. 
  • Defer judgment. 
  • Encourage Wild Ideas. 
  • Build on the Ideas of Others. 
  • Go for Quantity. 
  • One Conversation at a Time. 
  • Stay Focused on the Topic.
How might we.. question.
  • .. help people find the right train.
  • .. help people to park their cars.
  • .. help people to spend time while waiting on the line.
  • ...
Ideas on postits to board, everyone can vote => good idea is picked.

Conformity v. Novelty

conformity - behaviour or actions that follow the accepted rules of societynovelty -  the quality of being new, different and interesting
If you do not have an idea and you search for inspiration, then you can end up borrowing ideas you saw. This happens only when you don´t come up with your own excellent idea.
Seeing examples dos not produce novelty.

Functional fixation and Parallel prototyping

Functional  fixedness :  "Mental block against using an object in a new way that is required to solve a problem" Duncker, 1945

Little change in the experiment produces drastic change in the results.

In the design a lot of people experience  fixedness

"How can we structure design process in such way that designers are less likely to be fixated on a particular solution?"

For example a task to create a design for an ad. Designers had 2 possibilities: 
1. Create 6 designs in serial in a way that you´ll get feedback after every design (linear design process).
2. Create 3 designs, get feedback, make new 2 designs , get feedback and end up with the sixth design (parallel design process).

Parallel design process brings a better solution. In my opinion its because of the fact that if you present 3 different designs then the person(s) who give you feedback have information for comparison (read earlier post where this idea is presented). 

If you design in parallel way then you will respond to more positively to critique, because not THE design is criticised but ONE of many. Your ego is invested in your design and with only one design your ego is hurt.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Prototyping as Communication

Prototyping is to present the idea to different stakeholders:


Prototypes are disposable!

The rights of a prototype:

  • žShould not be required to be complete
  • žShould be easy to change
  • žGets to retire

Choose the right tools for presenting your ideas. For UI functionality you can use paper prototypes, for effects you already need a simple code example etc. Choose what is appropriate for the idea you want to present.

Also the best designers use prototypes. Its not only a tool for newbies.

Good artists borrow, bad artists steal. - Pablo Picasso

You can take inspiration from others but you cant copy them.

Goals and Objective functions

"Prototyping is a strategy for efficiently dealing with things that are hard to predict."

Different types of unknown stuff:

  known unknown   - I am aware that x is unknown variable, I know it exists.
  unknown unknown   - I wasn´t even aware that x is a variable

Prototyping helps you to reveal the unknown unknowns.

Often people have  AN  idea and only  ONE  deign. When they need to argue for their design they end up losing the fight because they do not have so many argument speaking for them.

In one way or another you have to push your design through challenge and therefore it is more convenient to think about objective functions. What will this design achieve? Why is it so good? What makes it valuable?

Users do not know which alternatives a design could have. Its the same if you ask a user what kind of tools he would like to have - he doen´t know. Therefore you as a designer need to present more than one design that the user would have the information and could answer your quest
ions through comparison. Is A better than B ? Rather then asking is A good?

User then can answer you: I like part of A and part of B because ..


Simulated annealing

“The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.”
-Linus Pauling

Simulated annealing - for example this technique is used to reduce the amount of defects in the material (metal).  Atoms begin to move while the metal is annealed. Afterwards the metal is cooled down slowly. This way it is more likely that atoms find a place more suitable for them.

Go broad with different ideas and solutions -- have a lot of different prototypes. Afterwards during the design process you can focus more on the best prototypes. Have different designs - because of the statistics you will end up then with a better design.

What is the cost of making changes over time?
In the web you dont have actual costs like money but you still have to ask yourself some questions before making any changes:

  1. Are my users already used to the design right now?
  2. Will I loose customers after an update?
  3. Have they built stuff on top of my software?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Design for people

People’s tasks, goals, and values drive development
Work with users throughout the process
 Assess decisions from the vantage point of users, their work, and their environment
Pay attention to people’s abilities and situation.
Talk to the actual experts.
Finding defaults when an action or behavior  is showing up again and again. Defaults can make life easier for the users. Prevents some extra clicks or decisions.
"Prototyping is a strategy for efficiently dealing with things that are hard to predict."
"Make multiple prototypes simultaneously to get most value."

Other strategies

Be a prentice. Actually learn about that field you are asked to design in.

Find lead users -innovations they create. Lead users have seen different tools and they have also strong opinions how things could be better.

Diary studies - ask participants to do smth each day. Be there when they are doing it because their memories are faulty. We often think we are "better" "wiser" etc.

   Every idea does not have to come up  from those strategies.  
   Wherever the idea comes it can be good.   

Monday, September 10, 2012



» Going out there to interview - one of the scaring things to do - but it is incredibly valuable.


» Don't ask those fancy general questions - "Do you exercise regularly?" - my response would be - "What do you mean my regularly?"
» Before the actual interview set some goals and questions. Take a trial on your friends / colleagues .
» "What kind of tools he would like to have ?" - I don't carry around an index card of all the tools i would like to have someday. But if you would ask it in my environment where I perform a certain task or process then I would be able to tell you where my need lie.
» Plan is bad, planning however is valuable. - If you have a plan with all the questions you want to ask, then don´t be anal about this. You don´t need to answer all of them and you can mix the order of them ;).


» Bring along: notebook and a camera (documenting action)
» Objects tell a story-ask people about their artifacts that they carry around - kick off some excellent stories.
» Think from the perspective of the person who answers your questions.
» Let the silence in - give about 5 sec silence to process the question and form the answer
» Out there:
  • Introduse youeself, explain your purpose
  • The interview is about them, not you!
  • Ask the question and let them answer
  • Aollow up
    • Adjsut your questions to their precious answers
    • Ask questions in language they understand
    • Pick up on and ask for examples
  • Be Flexible


» Should you record audio or video? - yes! Use short snippets afterwards to convince your boss or client about smth. 30 seconds of video is a great strategy.
» Synthesize and draw your conclusions.