Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Additional needfinding strategies

Diary studies - users add records of specific piece of information; tailor the recording to the context; the easier the  tools are for participants to record their stuff the better results you will get.

Experience sampling - beep people that they would write down a piece of information at that moment. (where are you, how happy are you, how energetic do you feel .. )

Lead users- they can give a lot of ideas about great solutions ;  they sometimes already have done some hacks themselves.

Extreme users - you can see what kind of problems occur if a system is used extremely ..


Keep in mind the users from whom you did study a lot from the beginning . To do that create personas.

A model of a person, an example
Include demographic information, but also capture persons motivation, beliefs, intentions, behavior, goals
Draw a picture or have a photo of your persona - it makes it more real
Give them a name, occupation, background, social situation, hopes - story to tell
Knowing what your persona thinks, does and feel helps to build empathy

Helps to understand the state of mind, emotion, philosophy, beliefs or point of view of the user. 

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